Detroit has been the place of many myths and bunk around the origin or emergence of what is called Techno today—a city that is distinct with its musical heritage on one side, post-industrial entropy and its long economical and social decline on the other side, eventually leading into bankruptcy and high crime rates. Producer and DJ Mike Huckaby will provide a first hand account on the current state of Detroit, how electronic club music started there, intertwined with his own history and development over the decades.
Mike Huckaby has done much for Detroit electronic music. The Tastemaker, Educator, Sound Designer, and Motor City proponent has gathered an encyclopedic knowledge of music, knowing the roots and culture of electronic dance music. He has become one of the busiest remixers from Detroit in the past few years and has been busy producing music on his both labels Deep Transportation and S Y N T H. With highly acclaimed deep house productions and remixes for Deepchord, Juan Atkins, Vladislav Delay, Pole, Loco Dice, LoSoul, and Pacou (to name just a few), Mike brings the Detroit sound of deep house and techno with him, knowing the balance between deep house and techno like no other.
Subsequently: Lifesaver Saturday x Power Release
In Kooperation mit Heiner Blum von der HfG Offenbach präsentiert Robert Johnson Theorie in lockerer Folge prominente, fachkundige Gäste - Soundspezialisten, Musiker, Autoren, DJs - mit Vorträgen zum Thema Clubkultur, Produktion und Rezeption elektronischer Musik. Die Veranstaltungen finden jeweils zwei Stunden vor der normalen Cluböffnung statt und gehen dann fließend in die Clubnacht über.
3. November 2018, 22 Uhr (pünktlich)
Robert Johnson
Nordring 131, Offenbach