Liebe Eltern,
Ab sofort ist das HfG Kinderzimmer wieder für die flexible Kinderbetreuung geöffnet. Wir betreuen Kinder (0 bis 10 Jahre) von Studierenden und Mitarbeiter_innen stundenweise. Die Öffnungszeiten richten sich nach dem Bedarf der Eltern.
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Euer Kinderzimmerteam

Flexible child care in the HfG crèche
Where can you leave your child when the kindergarten has already closed and you still have a lecture on theory to attend?
After a relevant acclimatization period, students and employees can leave their children in the HfG crèche where care is provided by the hour. Here, infants and children (0 to 10 years) can play, paint, and make things.
The main aim of the supervised crèche is to enable student parents to pursue their studies and projects. Moreover, the crèche is an important element in creating a family-friendly infrastructure at the university, in which studying, a career, and a family are compatible.

Contact person
Lici-Malen Pratschke, Hannah Reiter
T 069.80059-298
Ellen Wagner
Kinderzimmer der HfG
Schlossstraße 31
63065 Offenbach
Hauptgebäude / EG / Raum 1B
Opening hours
Tue 9:30-13 h, Wed & Fri 14-18 h,
and by appointment (in March, August and Septembre the crèche is closed)