
Photo: Jessica Schäfer
Registrar’s Office
T +49.69.800 59-201
School of Art
Yvonne Truber
T +49.69.800 59-200
School of Design
Christiane Kühn-Wilkens
T +49.69.800 59-150
Interested students who would like to attend individual courses can apply for a so-called guest auditor's certificate. However, this does not give them student status, but rather entitles them to attend courses approved in advance by the lecturers for a fee.
Guest auditors are entitled to attend the courses listed in the certificate for guest auditors and to acquire credits in these courses after consultation. It should be noted, however, that no examination certificates in the sense of the examination law can be issued for guest auditors. For this reason, guest students cannot take part in intermediate examinations or diploma examinations or other examinations provided for in examination regulations, and they also do not receive an RMV ticket.
For admission as a guest student we need three things from you:
- 1. the consent of the lecturers
- 2. the application for admission as a guest student
- 3. the payment of the fee
To 1
Contact the lecturers whose courses you would like to attend. You can find their contact details on the homepage under "Contact". Have them confirm your agreement to attend the events either by signing the application or by sending an email to us. Information about the availability of the lecturers can be obtained from the departmental secretariats. Please note that you may not exceed a total of 12 semester hours.
To 2
Please send us the completed and signed application either by email to or by mail to HfG Offenbach, Studierendensekretariat, Schlossstrasse 31, 63065 Offenbach.
To 3
Please transfer the guest student fee of 101 Euro to the following account:
- HfG Offenbach
- IBAN DE095005000001006600
- Reason for payment: last name, first name (please do not include any other terms).
The application deadline is always the Thursday after the start of lectures.
The course catalog is online about 14 days before the start of lectures. Therefore, please also refer to the course catalog of the previous semester when selecting courses. You can find it on our homepage under the item "eCampus".
- Obtaining the commitment of the lecturers
- Forwarding of the confirmations of the lecturers to the student secretariat until October 20, 2022 to
- Transfer of the contribution