Remote >< Control 19: Euridice Kala

Remote >< Control 19: Euridice Kala
Glitching the archive
What happens when archives disintegrate? History has a way of making violent statements, to flatten our views of the world and to therefore reverberate binarial narratives. What is the role image making, diffusion, in unpacking all that which is rendered absent, invisible and transparent? What spaces are we creating in this already overwhelmed visual world and what is the responsibility of the artist?[2]
My lecture will be focused on two projects (I, am the Archive 2020 and Nature Glitches, 2020), that will help us unpack this questions, and how a pluri-disciplinary approach to making, distribution, thinking and relaying images…
Euridice Zaituna Kala
Zaituna, aka Euridice Kala, (1987, Maputo, Mozambique) is a Mozambican artist based in Paris. Kala trained as a photographer at the Market Photo Workshop, Johannesburg. In her work, Kala seeks to highlight the multiplicity of narratives within historical periods and social relations using as a point of departure her country –from the perspective of what Léopold Sédar Senghor calls the “kingdom of childhood "[1], which is at the heart of her reflections. Kala’s work, which focus on metamorphoses, manipulations and adaptations of history, take the form of installations, performances, images, objects and books.
Kala was the winner of the ADAGP (Association for the Development of the Graphic and Visual Arts) / Villa Vassilieff fellowship.
Kala has been awarded several international residencies and performed at venues such as: The Centre Georges Pompidou (2021,2019), Cac Noisy Le Sec, and the Infecting the City Festival (2017). Her work has been included in exhibitions such as Marres Huis voor Hedendaagse Cultuur (2021), ARoS Museum (2021), the Paul Eluard Museum of Art and History (2021), the Stellenbosch Triennial (2020), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (2019), and the 4th Triennial of Small-scale Sculpture in Fellbach (Germany, 2019).
14. Dezember 2021, 13 Uhr
linke Kapelle
Der Vortrag kann nur von Studierende besucht werden, die einen Kurs im Lehrgebiet Fotografie bei Clemens Mitscher oder Martin Liebscher belegt haben. Es gilt die 2G+-Regelung mit offiziellem digitalen Zertifikat in der Corona-App und Selbsttest vor Ort. Es besteht Maskenpflicht (FFP2).
Der Vortrag wird aufgezeichnet und live über Zoom übertragen: Hier
Meeting-ID: 678 725 3552
Kenncode: mb2JWr