Excursion to Rio de Janeiro -- Merry Samba

16 December, 2014 / 7 p.m. / Linke Kapelle
LixoLuxo invites you to a Brazilian Christmas with Bossa Nova, caipirinha, Salgados and pictures from the trip to Rio de Janeiro.
In collaboration with Angela Carvalho the participants of the LixoLuxo project from the summer semester 2014 together with their supervisors professors Peter Eckart, Petra Kellner and Werner Lorke were invited to take part in the workshop "Collecting Things" in Rio de Janeiro during Design Week. The workshop was an international cooperation with Brazilian, Dutch and German professors and designers, and targeted students and young designers from Brazi and Germany. The results of the workshop and the semester project could be seen on 1 November bothi as part of Design na Praça in Urca, and also in the following week during the special show in IED Rio de Janeiro. A visit to the Art & Design Deparment at the PUC, and an invitation by Brazilian students at ESDI to the LixoLuxo exhibition rounded out the trip. Other activities included a discussion on the topic with students and designers from Rio de Janeiro, and a visit to the Museu de Arte do Rio and the Instituto Moreira Salles.

Workshop & Design na Praça mit
Angela Carvalho, Prof. Petra Kellner, Prof. Peter Eckart, Monica Carvalho
Oooms (Guido Ooms and Karin van Lieshout), Maria Helena P. da Silva, Bárbara Szaniecki, Rob Roggema. supported by Brita Jaichner
Valentin Brück, Joong-Youn Cho, Hyun-Hee Jo, Bennet May, Cassandra Peters, Marthe Marie Schliephacke, Aeneas Stankowski, Karl Becker, Markus Mau