24 November until 12 January 2020

Die Epoche der Empfindsamkeit / The Age of Sensibility


And if it should touch you, dearest reading person, that an era should dawn in which it would be left to a man to reflect on himself and to prepare himself for the suffering and the pain and the joy that would still come, let us meet again in the garden, before we have been left alone with ourselves again before we know it

The Haus der Stadtgeschichte in Offenbach presents the solo exhibition of HfG-Alumnus Dominik Keggenhoff. As part of the exhibition, the performance "Close to the Edge of Glory" will be premiered at the beginning of January.

Close to the Edge of Glory

Song recital / performance with Dolorosa, the choir of ordinary people, a narrator, a siren and one tormented by longing. With burning guts we stand, in the light of our sweet, decadent sorrow, close to the abyss of rest.


24 November 2019, 3 p.m.
Introduction: Ellen Wagner (scientific employee at the HfG)

Dates Performance

Premiere: 8 January 2020, 19 h (admission 18:30 h)

Further performance: 12 January 2020, 5 p.m. (admission 4:30 p.m.)
Admission: 5 Euro

Haus der Stadtgeschichte in Offenbach

Herrnstraße 61

63065 Offenbach am Main