TÉLÉ RÉALITÉ | Screening und Talk mit Regisseurin Lucile Desamory

TÉLÉ RÉALITÉ | a film by Lucile Desamory, Gustave Fundi and Glodie Mubikay
Screening mit anschliessendem Gespräch in Anwesenheit der Regisseurin Lucile Desamory
Three Congelese producers are planning a reality TV show about the carnival in Belgium. Hawaly, their Burundian show-runner, is supposed to prepare the shooting in Belgium but her Belgian colleague Hilde is too busy with the supernatural…
TÉLÉ RÉALITÉ is a collaboration between Lucile Desamory, Glodie Mubikay and Gustave Fundi. The film was entirely written and planned via messenger apps, and shot simultaneously in Belgium and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The three directors met for the first time when Desamory started editing the footage. The process will be reversed for their next movie, which willl be initiated, edited and completed by Mubikay and Fundi.
Production Trompe L’Œil
Co-produced by O2 Studios Productions (RDC) – Ni Vu Ni Connu Productions (Grand Duché du Luxembourg) – PBC Pictures (Belgium) – Belfilm (Belgium)
WITH: Hawaly Ndayisenga – Lucile Desamory – Elia Claessen – Marie-Paule Mailleux – Antho Sifu Kabala – Ornella Mukeba – Belord Mulopo – Rachel Vungbo – Boris Lehman – Noël Godin – Frédérique Franke D.O.P.: Artur Castro Freire (Belgique) – Erick Kayembe (RDC) SOUND: Arnaud Liesse – Leo Guinet (Belgique) Caleb Kayeye (RDC) SCRIPT: Damien Desamory EDIT: Sophie Watzlawick MUSIC AND SOUNDSCAPE: Nicholas Bussmann PRODUCTION: Lucile Desamory (B-D) – O2 Studios (RDC)
22. Januar 2025, 18 Uhr