Screening: At Berkeley

Im Rahmen des Seminars »Kritik der Institution: Hochschule für Gestaltung« von Marc Ries wird der Dokumentarfilm »At Berkeley« (USA 2013) von Frederick Wiseman gezeigt. Für jede_n, die/der immer schon mal nach Berkeley wollte, bzw. mehr über die feinen Unterschiede amerikanischer Elite-Unis im Vergleich zu deutschen Ausbildungsinstitutionen wie etwa der HfG wissen wollte!
Zum Film
The University of California at Berkeley, the oldest and most prestigious member of a ten campus public education system, is also one of the finest research and teaching facilities in the world. The film, AT BERKELEY, shows the major aspects of university life, its intellectual and social mission, its obligation to the state and to larger ideas of higher education, as well as illustrates how decisions are made and implemented by the administration in collaboration with its various constituencies.
In AT BERKELEY we witness the autumn 2010 semester at a university in crisis, yet thriving. Mr. Wiseman uses the institution’s settings—the meetings, classes and protests—as stages to play out its multifaceted drama of people and ideas.
–Nicolas Rapold, New York Times
Frederick Wiseman’s AT BERKELEY isn’t only a study of the contemporary American university, but, like all of the filmmaker’s best documentaries, a wide-ranging inquiry into the larger institutions and contradictions that define life in the United States.
–Andrew Schenker, SLANT
11. Juli 2019, 19–23 Uhr
Isenburger Schloss, rechte Kapelle