Algorithms in Context: Online Talk with Taina Bucher

Design: Profi Aesthetics (@profi_aesthetics)
Algorithms in Context: Facebook is Facebook
Online Talk with Taina Bucher
Algorithms in Context (AIC) invites you to an online talk with Taina Bucher – the third online talk of the recently initiated platform AiC by the department of Electronic Media at the University of Art and Design Offenbach am Main. Taina Bucher is a professor in media studies at the University of Oslo, where she investigates the relationships and entanglements between algorithms, social and political concerns – examining how users experience and make sense of algorithmic power and politics. In her talk, she will show how Facebook has become an idea of its own: something that cannot be fully described using broader categories. If we want to understand Facebook’s power in contemporary society and culture, we need to start by challenging our widespread conception of what Facebook is. Tracing the development and evolution of Facebook as a social networking site, platform, infrastructure and advertising company, she invites us to consider Facebook anew. Contrary to the belief that nobody uses Facebook anymore, Facebook has never been more powerful.
About Algorithms in Context
As a network of artists, researchers and students, AiC aims to foster critical debate and knowledge sharing on the topic of Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence systems in particular: From their potential for creative production to their impact on society, arts, culture, economy, environment, politics, and all of our daily lives. Through workshops and a series of online talks, thinkers and creatives are invited to explore the limits of technological advancements, discuss ethical and socio-political challenges and provide insights into their creative practice with AI systems. Over the course of this year, AIC will offer classes, provide students with extensive resources and establish a lab for AI and Robotics at the HfG.
AIC is made possible by Friederichs Stiftung.
29. März 2022, 18 Uhr
via Zoom
To register for the talk, please send an email to: