Film shoot in Shanghai

8 years ago
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f.l.t.r.: Claus Withopf, Rotraut Pape, Liu Yue, Xiao Hong, Bo Chen, Matthias Lawetzky, Alex Sahm, Lena Reidt, Wei Lin, Laura Krestan, Min-Kyung Ko

The five HfG students Laura Krestan, Matthias Lawetzky, Lena Reidt, Alexander Sahm, and Aldin Sakic spent 10 days at Tongji University in Shanghai. Supervised by Rotraut Pape, Professor of Film and Video, and lecturer Claus Withopf, the head of the HfG VideoLab, the team shot the first part of a film about the lively partnership between HfG and Tongji University / College of Design and Innovation (D&I) there. Alongside interviews with Chinese representatives of the university and alumni in their surroundings in Shanghai, the six HfG students, who have been studying in Offenbach since the start of the winter semester, were portrayed experiencing everyday exchange life in the vast metropolis: from university and cultural pursuits to leisure time. The film will go online as soon as the second part, about the special opportunities Offenbach offers, has been shot and post-production has been completed.

The partnership between HfG Offenbach and Tongji University has been in place since 2005 and is part of the German academic Exchange Service’s Strategic Partnerships program. Since then the door has been open for direct exchange between the creative minds in the Rhine-Main area in Germany and the region around the mouth of the Huang Pu and Yangtze rivers on the other side of the world.
